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Pages: 298-320

Understanding Learning Disabilities and Stigma: A study on Public Stigmatization of Learning Disabilities and Policy Recommendations in the Indian Context

Lakshmi Priya Panicker

Category: Psychology

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A learning disability is a neurological disorder that significantly impacts an individual’s experience in life and specifically in educational institutions. This disorder not only influences how individuals perceive the world as well as themselves. Individuals with learning disabilities have trouble with different aspects of their academic performance, such as writing, reading, comprehension, or mathematics, without early identification and necessary tools to help the individual cope. The study will focus on the relationship between stigma and learning disabilities specifically Autism, Dyscalculia and Dyslexia to understand how stigma perception affects each learning disability and how to address these structural issues in policymaking. The stigma and attitudes held by people often negatively affect the representation as well as early detection of students with learning disabilities. By understanding the stigma perception and countering these with policy recommendations, we can effectively aid students with learning disabilities within the structure of mainstream schooling.

Keywords: Learning Disability, Specific Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Labelled Groups, Public Stigma


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DOI: 10.47362/EJSSS.2021.2302