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The Great Schism of Geo-politics in 21st Century

Author: Oinam Ghanashyam Khumancha

Category: Political Science


Belt and Road Initiative, Build Back Better World; Maritime Silk Route, Quad, Blue Dot Network; Digital Silk Route, Clean Network; gold-based currency, petro-dollar; Covid-19 vaccine and visa; are these gibberish words, do these words mean anything and have real-life implications, there are questions after questions. Something deviant from globalisation is manifesting in the geopolitics of the world. China with its ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ that have land route as well as maritime sea route and accompanied with a component of digital silk route trying to project itself as the ‘Middle Kingdom’. On the other hand, the United States with its military allies formulated Build Back Better World, Blue Dot Network, Clean Network, Covid vaccine visa trying to rejuvenate itself as the sole superpower. This paper terms this phenomenon as the Great Schism of Geo-politics in the 21st Century.

Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, Build Back Better World, Quad, Clean Network, Covid Visa, the world divide.

DOI: 10.47362/EJSSS.2021.2303


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On 12th June 2021, the conglomerate of last century colonial powers, which is known as G7 (Group Seven; consist of Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan) plus India adopt the United States formulated program of “Build Back Better World” (B3W), an infrastructure investment project to counter “quote” or “unquote” China’s[1] infrastructure investment program of “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI). With this infrastructure development structure in line, the world is again divided into two-sphere of infrastructure development program structure between the ex-colonial powers and ex-colony. This division reminds the division of the world into two political spheres led by the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic after the Second World War, which people called the “cold war”. With this could observer classified the phenomenon as the start of a new cold war between the ex-colonial powers and ex-colony, keeping in mind the ongoing binary fission on the digital world and division of the world in the line of Covid-19 vaccines usages. This paper will attempt to understand the great schism of the 21st century.

Since its inception, the internet is dominated by the United States and its allies until recently. The United States was the maker of both hardware and software facilitating it. China was catching up and starts developing both hardware and software on its own, which was started as the manufacturing hub of western countries. The United States-led groups might feel uneasy with this notion and from August 2018 Chinese companies were barred to participate in many telecommunications’ infrastructure development projects in United States’ allies’ countries like Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, India, etc. According to a piece of leak information on usages of ‘Protect America Act, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA of 2008)’ to influence private United States’s and allies’ companies like Microsoft, Skype, Hotmail, Facebook, Google, Youtube, Yahoo, PalTalk, AOL, Vodafone groups, Global Crossing (Hutchison Asia Telecom Group is one of the major owners), Apple, Interoute communication Ltd, Alcatel, CenturyLink, Lumen Technologies, etc to spy on other countries (Gellman & Poitras, 2013; Greenwald, MacAskill, Ball, & Rushe, 2013; Ball, Harding, & Garside, 2013). As per these reports the United States is using hardware, software, apps, cables, wi-fi, phones, mobiles, etc. companies that are based in United States, Europe, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. to spy on other countries. And the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) the chief administrator of the internet function under California[2]’s state law (ICANN, 2019), indicates international internet is at the mercy of the United States[3]. Citing the above and its implication on their national security, Russia starts to build its own internet in August 2018 and asked all the members of BRICS[4] countries to join the initiative of building their internet. And China’s hardware was expelled out of the United States and its military allies' internet, by President Trump, and its software was also vanishing or expelling. Chinese hardware and both software were expelled out by India under Prime Minister Modi. With this, the binary division or fission of the internet is going on.

In the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, the United States and its allies are trying to blame China for the global crisis. Even trying to identify the covid-19 with a term like ‘China virus, Chinese virus, Communist virus, or Communist Chinese virus’ with various theories ranging from bizarre to weird. The United States and its allies are demanding for investigation on the origins of Covid-19 again and China is also asking for data and investigation on now shut down ‘Ford Detrick’. On the Covid-19 pandemic, the world seems divided into two-sphere; one group who believes the Covid-19 is a ‘China-made virus’ and have no faith in Russian or Chinese vaccine which is led by the United States, and the second group believes it as natural calamities and ready to accept and vaccine regardless of its sources.

A brief on Belt and Road Initiative:

Xi Jinping the President of the People’s Republic of China (China) on September 2013 announce the idea of BRI (then, One Belt One Road or OBOR) in Kazakhstan an infrastructure development initiative program in the line of the ancient ‘Silk Route’ to foster the development of underdeveloped countries and developing countries. The official name of BRI is ‘Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Development Strategy’. China had invited all the countries to participate in its initiative of infrastructure development. The United States under Obama and Trump, and India under Modi refused to join citing various reasons. India cites its reason for not joining in its initial phase was India’s concern was unanswered on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as a result of the BCIMEC (Bangladesh China India Myanmar Economic Corridor) was kept in deep-frozen state. Still, many Countries from various continents join this development program and even trains from China now reach Europe. Many critics talks of ‘debt trap, human rights, corruption, environment, climate, under quality product and systems, infrastructure diplomacy, etc.’ as drawbacks of China’s led BRI[5].

In the ancient world there was a saying, “all roads lead to Rome”, some may or might already be argued that China’s initiative of BRI is a plan that with six corridors[6] (CPEC, CMEC, CNEC, CIEC, CMREC, and CWEC), maritime silk route and digital silk route will make “All Roads lead to China”, ensuring China’s dream to be the “middle kingdom”. India’s previous foreign secretary and current Minister of External Affairs, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar express India’s concern on BRI on 2nd March 2016 that the “interactive dynamic between strategic interests and connectivity initiatives – a universal proposition – is on particular display in our continent……connectivity as an exercise in hard-wiring that influences choices……. Connectivity itself has emerged as a theatre of Present-day geopolitics” (Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, 2016). The United States’ NSS (National Security Strategy of Trump administration express the following statement on BRI, “China seeks to displace the United States in the Indo-Pacific region, expand the reaches of its state-driven economic model, and reorder the region in its favour” (Explained: What is the Blue Dot network, on the table during Trump visit to India, 2020). For the United States and India, China’s infrastructure investment through the BRI project is a matter of national security, national interest, a mean for China to become a hegemon in Indo-pacific, a tool of geopolitics.

Blue Dot Network and B3W

Under Trump in 2019 Blue Dot Network was formulated. The United States is now trying to revive ‘Blue Dot Network’ with Japan, Australia, and India (wing). This is just another form of Quad “Quadrilateral Security Dialogue” as these ‘Blue Dot Network’ and ‘Quad’ members are the same. This Blue Dot Network was supposed to counter China in the infrastructure development program, and Quad was mean to counter the rise of China’s military might in Asia-Pacific regions. After defunct for some time, in the first week of June 2021, ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’ start to talk with United States, Australia, and Japan on Blue Dot Network. According to Blue Dot Network's official website, it states that “(a). the blue dot network will bring together governments, the private sector, and civil society under shared standards for global infrastructure development, (b). The network will certify infrastructure projects that demonstrate and uphold global infrastructure principles, (c). Certification by Blue Dot Network will serve as a globally recognized symbol of market-driven, transparent, and financially sustainable development projects” (Blue Dot Network). It means it will also act as a rating agency on infrastructure development program across the globe, in another world it will issue a certificate to infrastructure projects may be in the line of sustainable, unsustainable, etc. This is simple geopolitics term can be classified as self-appoint ‘world police’ on infrastructure development program and a means to counter China in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean region (Indo-Pacific region for some).

Joe Biden the United States’ president announce the idea of ‘Build Back Better’ in his election campaign of the President of United States of America to build a new American economy and bring back to American soil most of the production output of American companies (“Build Back Better”: Joe Biden's plan for economic and jobs recovery in the United States, 2021). This is just the rebranding of Trump’s “Make America Great Again”, which focuses on American exceptional-ism and ‘America first policy’. The original concept of “Building Back Better” was an accepted principle of the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction of 2015 under the United Nation’s Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. On the proposal of Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan.

On 12th June 2021, the G7 leaders launch the Build Back Better World (B3W) as a new bold global infrastructure initiative which according to them will be a value-driven, Good Governance and Strong Standard, Climate Friendly, Strong Strategic Partnership, Mobilize Private Capital Through Development Finance, and Enhancing the Impact of Multilateral Public Finance to narrow the $40+ trillion infrastructure need in the developing world by 2035 and which is affected by Covid-19 pandemic (FACT SHEET: President Biden and G7 Leaders Launch Build Back Better World (B3W) Partnership, 2021). The success of this initiative is another matter and only time will unfold it. But one thing is sure and that is “This will in a way separate the geopolitics into two separate infrastructure sphere systems of B3W and BRI”. While currently the digital world (global web) is undergoing the process of fission after the start of the Trade War by Trump’s s United States versus Communist China according to western media.

The ongoing binary fission of the digital world:

The Digital World or the Internet was started in the 1960s with ‘Arpanet’[7]for United States’ defences proposes, by 1970s some American institutions were allowed to access the internet for academic purposes. English scientist Timothy Berners Lee who works in CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) developed WWW in 1990. Now many who read this might be reading on a Mobile phone or laptop or Personal Computer and less like on a printed medium. And according to Bob Dormon's article appear on ‘arsTechnica’, the Tata Global Network’s (TGN) Tier 1 handles 24 percent of the world’s Internet Traffic. There are 15 Tier 1 global coverage providers and none of them belong to China, while seven belong to the United States: India, United Kingdom, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Germany has one each. With the advancement of technology to 5G, China has become the major dominating technology provider. Till 4G communication technology, United States dominated the internet service system. China no longer plays the developing technology power as it was supposed to be, with the development of 5G technology, now Chinese companies own around 35 percent of 5G patents according to IPlytics February 2021 report (IPlytics, 2021).

According to Business Standard, one unlikely information or fact is that 95% of the internet is through 380 active submarine cables (Journal, 2019). During the height of the Cold War (the 1970s), United States submarines hack the Soviet Union’s telegram and telephones cables in the Sea of Okhotsk and intercept all communication with ‘Operation Ivy Bells’ (Helena, 2019). In 2012 GCHQ, the British Spy agency access the networks of cables that carries the worlds’ phone call and internet traffic and harvest data which were share among the five-eye group members (Griffiths, 2019). According to sources, it is alleged that the ‘USS Jimmy Carter” submarine class are capable to hack sea-lane cables with is sophisticated tools and devices that included floodable chamber, with which divers and technician can get easy manual direct access to the cables (Griffiths, 2019). From 2012 to 2014, United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) used Denmark’s Defence Intelligence Service (FE) to used Danish information cables to spy on Sweden, Norway, France, and Germany; and Denmark host cables linking Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Britain, etc (Denmark helped US spy on Angela Merkel and European allies – report, 2021). In 2013, there was a report that NSA (US) was hacking Angela Merkel[8]’s and Francois Hollande[9]’s Phones (EU trade agreement with the US is under threat as recriminations over the Merkel phone bugging scandal escalate, 2013) but both the countries chicken out to investigate the report. This may be due to fact that the United States maintains a military presence in both Germany and France.

In India, it was reported that some entities are using Israeli software like ‘Pegasus’ to spy on Indian Journalists, activists, politicians, and others (TimesofIndia, 2019). In another report, the United States NSA and Germany spy agency used a Switzerland-based American (CIA owned) hardware company which have a backdoor system to spy on India for ages (Report: US, Germany spied on countries for decades via Swiss encryption firm, 2020). According to a report that appears in Hindustan Times, the US’s NSA installed spy software ‘quantum’ to Indian Computer since 2008, even to those computer systems that do not have access to the internet (Reuters, 2014). India never took any official investigation on all, of these reports, which may be due to the fact that India’s willingness to get a favourable military pack with the United States. In 2020 India expelled Chinese-origin mobile apps from the Indian internet system and ban Chinese companies from participating in India’s Telecom or Digital infrastructure development programs, citing Chinese software and hardware may have backdoors in it and potentially can spy on India but do not provide any evidence of it. India’s action against Chinese companies and apps; perhaps is more to do with uneasy tension at the border with China and Chinese support to Pakistan.

All these leak reports were of the United States spying on its allies or be to allies, the question here is that the personal data from these spying of leaders ensure the United States administration gets support from countries which leaders it had spied. The above cases of United States spy, using private players as tools and its legal system as means to control over the internet and the presence of Five Eyes, force Russia to build its internet (Tucker, 2017). Russia encourages BRICS members to join its initiative of an independent internet[10].

On 22nd January 2018, with Trump's ‘announcement of tariffs’ on solar panels and washing machines, the so-called ‘trade war’ between United States and China starts. It is reported that about 18 percent of 5G technology patent belongs to Huawei more than any other companies, except Samsung if some older compatible technologies were count (IPlytics, 2021). Huawei is not just a mobile phone company but also a leading cellular tower technology company. When the first crisis began it was based on the allegation that Huawei’s subsidiary ‘Skycom’ trade with Iran in 2013 from HSBC’s PowerPoint and Iran was under United States unilateral sanction (Enderle, 2021). On 1st December 2018, under United States instruction to its lackey ‘Canadian authorities’ to kidnap Meng Wanzhou, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Huawei and daughter of Huawei’s founder during a stopover at Vancouver International Airport in her way to Mexico from Hong Kong (Canada arrests Huawei’s global chief financial officer in Vancouver, 2018) on charges of violation of the United States unilateral sanction to Iran. On 28th January 2021, The United States State Department announced its charges against Meng and Huawei as a violation of sanction, plus the theft of trade secrets. According to Charlie Mitchell, “a ban on government purchases of Huawei and ZTE products was the simplest, most visible step lawmakers could take to show they were fighting Chinese” and “technology was a key part of the US-China trade wae that erupted in 2018” (Mitchell, 2020, p. 152). In a tit-for-tat manner, the Chinese official also arrested two Canadian individuals (accused as spies by China) in return for ‘Meng Wanzhou’ murky arrest in Canada by Canada’s Authority.

The genesis of the crisis of United States versus China started with the United States ban Huawei[11] from bid to build a wireless network for ‘first responders’[12] citing national security reasons (U.S. Blocks China Telecom Bid to Build Wireless Network Over Spying Concerns, 2017) in 2011 and start an eleven-month long investigation which hardly establishes any connection between Chinese Government with ZTE and Huawei but provide no evidence of backdoor spying (Rogers & Ruppersberger, October 2012). Australia follows United States footsteps and blocked Huawei from its National Broadband Network and force the small island nation of ‘Solomon’ from having a Huawei laid submarine cable. Japan’s company ‘Softbank’ in 2013 in its move to buy 70 percent of ‘Sprint Telecom’ which under the United States is illegal under laws and Acts like Sherman Act 1890, Clayton Act 1914, Federal Trade Commission Act 1914; to appease United States Government, Softbank promise to not used ‘Huawei’ in the Sprint network after they buy the Sprint (Riley, 2013). According to reports appearing in ‘The New York Times and ‘Spiegel Online’ United States’ NSA hacked Huawei through operation ‘Shotgiant’ and intercept emails, company’s source code of products; to this Huawei spokesperson Bill Plummer state “If it is true, the irony is that exactly what they are doing to us is what they have always charged that the Chinese are doing through us. If such espionage has been truly conducted, then it is known that the company is independent and has no unusual ties to any government and that knowledge should be relayed publicly to put an end to an era of mis- and disinformation” (Shieber, 2014).

The United States of America’s giants like Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google are major owners of undersea submarine cables through its multiple subsidiaries. Google-owned through much of undersea submarine cables through Curie, Dunant, Equiano, Echo, Firmina, Junior, Faster, Grace Hopper, Havfrue, Indigo-Central and West, Monet, pacific Light Cable Network, Southeast Asia Japan Cable, Tannat, and Unity; Microsoft through AEConnect, GTT express, New Cross Pacific cable System, Amitie, and Marea; Facebook through 2Africa, AEConnect-1, Amitie, Asia Pacific Gateway, Bifrost, Echo, Havfrue, Jupiter, Malbec, Marea, Cap-1, Southeast Asia-Japan Cable 2 and Pacific Light Cable Network; Amazon through Hawaiki, havfrue, Jupiter, Marea, and Cap-1 (Khanna, 2021; Mauldin, 2017). This shows China as a minor player in Submarine cable for internet communication, but China wishes not to remain so for a long time. Australia in 2017, force Solomon Island to remove China’s telecom Huawei from installing a 4000 Km long submarine cable (Griffiths, 2019). By 2018, China’s Huawei Marine Network finishes 4000 miles of cable from Brazil to Cameroon (Helena, 2019). In 2020, ‘Hengtong Group’ of China, the largest producer of advance submarine-grade fiber, procured the ‘Huawei Marine Networks’ and christen it as “HMN Technologies”. HNM technology is involving in installing a huge submarine cable project, ‘PEACE’ (Pakistan and East Africa Connecting Europe) a 15000 km long project that will connect Pakistan to East Africa to Europe with landing site in Pakistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, and France (Devonshire-Ellis, 2021). According to a report written by Andre Wheeler in ‘Silk Road Briefing’, thirty countries participate in BRI got BeiDou navigation system with 35 satellites; now China owns 11 percent of existing submarine cables and 24 percent of the planned submarine cables (Wheeler, 2020).

Keith Krach, United States Under Secretary of States for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment coin the term ‘clean network’ for a ‘China free’ network and lobby inside the United States (U.S. Policy on China May Move From ‘America First’ to America & Co., 2020) which Mike Pompeo the then United States ‘Secretary of States’ pick up and launch internationally with its military allies and potential military allies. According to the Official website on ‘Clean Network’, it has six components those are Clean Carrier Clean Store, Clean Apps, Clean Cloud, Clean Cable, and Clean Path (POMPEO, 2021). All talks of removing Chinese hardware and software from the internet. By 22nd November 2020, 53 Countries and 180 telecommunications companies join the clean network (Clean Network Expands, Purging Huawei From 5G, 2020); out of 30 NATO countries, 27 join the clean Network, 26 countries from 27 members EU, 31 countries of the 37 OECD countries, 11 countries of 12 member Seas countries are in the clean network (US announces expansion of Clean Network to 53 countries, 2020). Through this clean network initiative, the United States and its military allies are expelling out countries using Chinese companies’ hardware and Software from their internet. This practically fastens the binary fission of the digital world or the internet; it may be one of the last nails in the coffin of ‘Globalisation’.

The most confusing part of Clean Network is that most of the countries accepting this ‘China Free Network’ are all victim of United States’ NSA, Five Eyes, and other agencies spying and hacking through the use of official software and hardware of United States-based and other companies by mean of backdoor and sharing program with those companies under the United States laws. To this a speculation arises that is “United States’ secret agencies have personal dirties data of leaders of all these countries, using that as leverage or tools to blackmail do the bidding of the United States, which the leaders used various media and mediums to persuade its citizen to herd in accepting and supporting the leader’s government agenda like these are done for your privacy, your welfare, and national security”. In democratic countries, the presence of lobbies groups, political donations, vote banks, think-tanks[13] makes the policies of herding the citizen smoother. Or ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ is manifested at the state actor level and according to Oinam Ghanashyam Khumancha, many of these countries are paying protection money to United States (Khumancha, 2020, p. 189).

In 2021 NATO meet, the Military alliance by the United States adopt ‘Cyber Attack’ will deal with Article 5 of the alliance, which state that “an attack on any one of the allies will be considered as an attack on all of them”, like ‘Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno’ or ‘One for All, All for One’ (NATO, 2021). With these proclamations of 2021 NATO submit, the division of digital world or internet is supported by military hardware and political will of NATO. After the fall of Berlin in 1989, and the globalisation of the 90s, now the division of the world into two digital spheres with brewing two physical worlds is assured through BRI vs B3W which brings the reminiscence of the gone ‘Cold War’.

Covid-19 crises:

Natural disaster or Biological Warfare or Lab-leakages or whatever it is, it is the most disturbing event in geo-politics or globalisation or international events. The United States under Donald Trump called it a “Chinese Virus”, while his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called it “Chinese Communist Virus” and promotes the Covid-19 pandemic as Chinese Communist’s biological warfare against the Democratic world. The United States under Joe Biden promotes the theory of “lap escape” from China’s Institute of Virology lab in Wuhan but silent on the fact that it is funded by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) with the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases under the United States Health Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci (CORONA FUND Dr Anthony Fauci backed $7.4m funding for controversial Wuhan lab blamed for causing Covid-19 by conspiracy theorists, 2020). According to WHO (World Health Organisation), the investigation team on covid-19 in Wuhan reports that “the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, might transmit from bats or other animals to humans is the most likely sources but a lab leak is unlikely” (WHO report: Jump from animals most likely COVID-19 source, 2021). Still, United President Joe Biden with their military allies is asking for re-investigation on the origin of Covid-19 which the Australian Government support. United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on 20th June 2021 threatened China regarding the origin of Covid-19 (US Warns China Of Consequences If It Refuses To Live Up To Its Obligations On COVID Origin, 2021). In return, China is asking United States to provide data on “Event 201[14]” that was held on 18th October 2019, details on US military contingent that participate in World Military Sport held in October 2019 and allow to investigate on now close down ‘Fort Detrick’ in July 2019.

In this episode, many draw the similarity with the 2000s Iraq’ Weapon of Mass Destruction saga when the United States accused Iraq of having nuclear weapons, which Iraq denies but the United States with its lackeys invade Iraq for perceive lying[15]. In United States ‘Military Industrial Complex’[16] is a reality, the military industry act as lobby groups in American politics and give a donation to the politician and political parties, fund the Think-Tanks[17], and the politician ask the military industries to build military component factories in its constituency. By default for the efficient functioning of the Military-Industrial Complex, it needs the United States to engage in a forever war with “enemy”, form time the United States needs to create an enemy after the collapse of the Soviet Union, United States creates Iraq as enemy later Yugoslavia as the enemy, later Taliban and Al-Qaeda[18], then Iraq again, then Libya as an enemy, after that ISIS, then Syria; most of these are a non-state actor or are weak state actors; for more profit Military-Industrial Complex need a bigger and greater enemy for that they reinstall Russia as enemy no 1 in 2014 but Russia being an economically weak and a more nuclear arsenals do not work in the direction the Military-Industrial Complex might want. So, the Military-Industrial Complex brings China as enemy no 1 from 2018. The Prove of that is “in its entire existence 243 years, the United States in engaged in war for 225” (Shah, 2020).

At present with going Covid-19 pandemic and global shutdown, European Union planned to lift some restriction on travel by mean of issuing a Covid-19 VISA to those who took the covid-19 vaccine, but these vaccines should be a European Union countries or American origin and manufacture vaccine (Not all vaccines are equal: The dose you get decides your travel visa, 2021). United States, Canada, and Israel also adopt a similar policy of Covid-19 VISA no vaccine to people who used Russian, Chinese, Indian, or Cuban vaccine. With the Covid19 Visa policy, the western countries divided the world based on the origin of the vaccine used. At the same time, the rich western countries are hoarding the Covid-19 vaccine and refusing to ease the poor and developing countries (Rich Western countries are hoarding COVID-19 vaccines. Guess who loses out?, 2021; Rich countries hoarding Covid-19 vaccines, imposing conditions on supply: Momen, 2021). The USA is already hoarding 800 million vaccine doses which could provide all US citizens multiple times and planning to hoard up to 1 billion doses. Canada and UK are hoarding vaccines that could give 5 times doses to their entire citizen. European Union and Japan are following the American and British trends (Rich Western countries are hoarding COVID-19 vaccines. Guess who loses out?, 2021).

Again, these rich countries which are ex-colonial power are hoarding the covid19 vaccine in the pandemic but criticizing China and Russia, or even India for engaging in vaccine diplomacy (Bhutto, 2021). The logic of the western ex-colonial power reminds a proverb, “dog in the manger”, they are hoarding a huge pile of Covid19 vaccine but will not share with any countries and still cry foul that other countries are helping each other and fostering friendship and solidarity among them. After a lot of requests by poor countries, United States accept to donate 80 vaccine vials or 400 doses for 1.4 million people (The US Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago was mocked after announcing it had donated 80 vials of COVID-19 vaccine to the nation of 1.4 million people, 2021). Under a lot of pressure from a various angle, the US planned to donate 80 million doses of AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid Vaccine (Why the US has not approved the AstraZeneca-Oxford Covid vaccine for use and is sending it abroad, 2021) which many European countries ban its usages as it may cause blood clots and may lead to death (SHOT BY BOTH SIDES Which countries have banned the AstraZeneca vaccine?, 2021) and that too mainly in Canada and Mexico. Canada has its huge share of hoarding.

Table 1. Some major important countries (economy or population or military or geographic location) on the current schism of the world:

Name of Countries

Infrastructure Plan group

Digital (Internet) System giving access to China’s Companies

View on Covid-19

Military Alliance


United States of America

B3W, Blue Dot Network

Clean Network[19]

Chinese Virus/lap theory, no to Russian and Chinese vaccines

NATO, ANZUS, AUKUS, Rio Pact and others

Initiator of B3W, G7 member, five eyes[20], the greatest power on earth and leader of exporter of democracy through bombs.

United Kingdom


Clean Network

Same as USA


G7 Member, five eyes, EU[21], nostalgic of the greatest imperialist country of the world.


B3W, Blue Dot Network

Clean Network

Same as USA


Hardcore critic of BRI, Five Eye, FPDA[22] , and paying protection money to US.



Clean Network

Same as USA


G7 member, five eyes, most pretentious goody human right country.


B3W, Blue Dot Network

Clean Network

Same with US

Bilateral with U.S.

The only Imperialist of Asia, Paying protection money to US



No issue (may result of US hacking and spying)

EU, So no to Russian, Indian, and Chinese vaccine


Richest European country,



Clean Network



Recently declared itself as a global country as its physical territory presence in almost all continents. Nostalgic of its once imperial power.


B3W & BRI (anomaly)

No issue (anomaly)



One poorest G7 member, living at mercy of World Bank and IMF

Republic of China (Taiwan/Chinese Taipei)


Clean Network

Same as USA

Bilateral with U.S.

In the process of creating a separate identity, a Taiwanese identity leaving the Chinese identity.

New Zealand

BRI (anomaly)

Clean Network (but retreating)

No Issue (vaccine on trial)


It seems this country is more interested in the welfare of its people than the geopolitics of great power.



Government- no issue, companies- clean network



EU, NATO member.



No issue

No Issue

With US

US longest military allied.



Clean Network (talk with Huawei and ZTE going on)



The odd in EU.



Clean Network

No issue (Anomaly)


EU member, one poorest EU member.



No issue

No issue

NATO, Azerbaijan

A NATO member, which NATO is in odd.



Clean Network

No issue (anomaly)


Existential Crisis as few regions demand of independence.




No issue

On the way

Existential Crisis with Nile River issue.



Clean Network

Same as US

With US and UK

Copy of Nazi Germany


BRI (anomaly)

Clean Network

No issue (anomaly)


US military base




Natural phenomenon/need data US microbiological researchers across the globe.


Part of once Soviet Union. Second power in military.



No issue



Part of once Soviet Union.



No issue

No issue


Part of once Soviet Union.




No issue


Part of once Soviet Union.

Peoples’ Republic of China


No issue

With North Korea

Initiator of BRI

Saudi Arabia


No issue

no to Chinese vaccine, while yes to Russian

The US has military bases

Partner in the creation of ‘Petro-dollar’ with US



No issue

No issue

No issue

Aspiring to be a nuclear power



No issue

No issue


Japan is encouraging Indonesia to have a military alliance with US. Largest Islamic state in the East.



No issue

No issue


Most hardcore Islamic state in East.


Blue Dot Network, B3W

Clean Network

Chinese Virus/ lap theory, no to Chinese vaccines but conditional yes to Russian vaccine

Not exactly but a member security dialogue partner as Quad member.

Critical to BRI, Chinese IT hardware, and software, suspicious toward China in Covid-19 event



No issue

No issue

Have lots of US military bases

Islamic wasteland trying live in the 14th Century

Sri Lanka


No issue

No issue


The most unlikely military alliance in the world.



No issue

No issue


Undergoing civil war after a military coup

Republic of Korea (South Korea)


Some reservation

Same as US

Military alliance with US.

Paying protection money to US



No issue

US sanction


US sanction, economy is chaos.


BRI (anomaly)

Clean Network

No issue (anomaly)


Anti-China Communist country.



Clean Network

Yes (but criticised the vaccine)

Rio Pact[23]

Amazon forest is losing



3G (Huawei might go full in)

US sanction


The only Communist Country in Western Hemisphere.


In a talk for BRI

(Talk with Huawei and ZTE going on)

No issue

Rio Pact

Economic crises

South Africa


No issue

Looking to have Russian and Chinese vaccine


Water crises



No Issue

No issue


Civil War

Source: Prepared by the author for this paper.


United States administrator and its military allies seem obsessed with China or feel paranoid about China growing development, wealth, and influence across the globe. To neutral observers, the activity of the United States was hunted psychologically by China and Russia more of China. The United States sees everything that happens as a way to undermine it by China and Russia, may that why many of the United States projects are initiated to counter China like it used to counter the Soviet Union after the Second World War. The Quad or Quadrilateral Security Dialogue to counter growing Chinese military influence in Indo-Pacific (the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean region), Blue Dot Network and Build Back Better World (B3W) to counter Chinese initiative of Belt and Road Initiative, Clean Network to build an internet system without Chinese hardware and software, and covid-19 vaccine visa system to reduce mingling of people from the newly developed two spheres. Even the Space is subjected to this schism of global geopolitics, as United States prohibit China to participate in the International Space Station under its Wolf Amendment of 2011 and future corporation; now with China Space Station in orbit, China and Russia send joint invitations to all UN countries except United States for cooperation. Most of the prominent State actors of B3W, Blue Dot Network, Clean Network, Quad, initiators of Covid-19 vaccine-based visa system, G7, and even of NATOs are ex-Colonial Powers.

It is a fact that globalisation was initiated by the United States and put a lot of effort to make it work in the 90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, again it is the United States which is working very hard to end globalisation or at least activate partial globalisation with its military allies only. The Quad, Blue Dot Network and B3W, Clean Network, and covid-19 vaccine diplomacy with visa system all indicate towards it. In the G7 meet and NATO summits of 2021, United States seem to accept that it is no longer the Sole Superpower, and it needs its military allies and other anti-China forces to counter China, and both the United States and allies submit were focus on China as their main adversary with lesser extend to Russia which in a way tries to justify the existence of NATO after ‘Cold War’.

On the other hand, China is trying to show itself as the “Middle Kingdom” by formulating and initiating BRI, 5G and 6G networks, vaccine diplomacy, space exploration without discrimination, and open for all to join; it is another matter that other countries join China’s initiative or not. China opens its door open to all the countries to participate in BRI projects. China is willing to supply cheap and good quality hardware that is required for 5G and future 6G technology equipment as well as required software to support it. On the Covid-19 vaccine unlike the United States, China is willing to share its vaccine with all. China and Russia are trying to bring back gold-based currency by moving away from the current Petro-dollar system of paper money; not only that both China and Russia are trying to develop their national cryptocurrency.

United States actions can be understood with the concepts of ‘Defensive Realism’ with side effects of ‘steroid-liberalism’ of 1990s to 2010s. After the collapse of Soviet Union, United States fuel with Fukuyama’s liberalism self-praising book ‘The End of History and the Last Man’ goes on war starting with Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Pakistan (unofficially), Iraq, Libya, and Syria etc. in name of spreading democracy and human rights which result in mass illegal immigration to United States and Europe Union. United States war for spreading liberalism depleted its own coffer leaving chaos in every country it spread democracy and human rights through wars. United States is currently around 27 trillion USD is debt and presume weaker at its inability to achieve its target of wars. Still, United States is the strongest power at current status quo; As Kenneth Waltz predicament “the first concern of states is not to maximize power but to maintain their position in the system” (Waltz, 1979, p. 126). To the United States and other ex-colonial powers, the rapid rise of China is an aggressive one; as Jack Snyder emphasized “International anarchy punishes aggression; it does not reward it” (Snyder, 1991, p. 11). For United States and other ex-colonial powers the B3W, BDN, Quad, AUKUS, clean network, NATO, Covid-Visa etc are mechanism to maintain the status quo and balance of power.

To any observer with just using induction and deduction logics on BRI vs B3W plus Blue Dot Network; Chinese military versus Quad, NATO, and other bilateral military alliance; Huawei and ZTE vs Clean Network; Covid-19 vaccine-based visa system; different opinion on covid-19 origin indicates the partition of the globe into two spheres in the sense of infrastructure system, internet system, health system, the military system, and monetary system. These all are indicating the symptom of the ‘Cold War’ in the 21st century. With this information in hand, one can assume presence of the Great Schism of geopolitics began and a new Cold War in the shadow. Or the rise of regional globalisation, only allied globalisation and cooperation and inter-relations.

Acknowledgements: I am thankful to Oinam Teresa Khumancha, Socio-psychologist and Dr. Arun Vishwanathan, Associate Professor of Central University of Gujarat for giving me much necessary guidance in developing this paper.

[1]Here, China means Peoples’ Republic of China, not the Republic of China throughout the whole paper.

[2] One of state in United States of America.

[3]US seizes internet domains using American laws, read more on The End Of Global Internet: U.S. Seized Foreign Domains (; US seizes internet domains tied to Iran’s government (

[4]BRICS are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

[5]Many critical papers have been published on BRI; it is fair to say to read those for more light on BRI.

[6]For the success of BRI, China is initiating six economic corridors i.e., China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC), China-Nepal Economic Corridor (CNEC), China-Indochina Economic Corridor (CIEC), China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor (CMREC), and Central Asia- West Asia Economic Corridor (CWEC).

[7]Apra: Advanced Research Project Agency now Darpa (Defense Advance Research Project Agency), a defense agency of United States.

[8] Germany Chancellor at that time.

[9]French President at that time.

[10]BRICS is no more a reckoning force any more as Brazil and India are moving away from Russia and China; and now India and Brazil adopt for ‘clean network’ which is basically an anti-Russian and Chinese network alliance.

[11]Read for more detail on “The Huawei controversy timeline: Everything you need to know!” by Joe Hindy, The Huawei controversy timeline: Everything you need to know! (

[12]Fire fighter, Ambulance, 911, and other emergency services, etc.

[13]Most of think-tanks in democratic countries are financed by United States Military Industries, India's most influential think-tanks | Latest News India - Hindustan Times.Funding the Indian think tank - Civil Society Magazine ( The Defense Industry’s Role in Militarizing US Foreign Policy - MERIP

[14]About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019 (

[15]Twelve Years Later, US Media Still Can’t Get Iraqi WMD Story Right (

[16] The military–industrial complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a nation's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. A driving factor behind this relationship between the government and defense-minded corporations is that both sides benefit—one side from obtaining war weapons, and the other from being paid to supply them.

[17]Top 50 U.S. Think Tanks Receive Over $1B from Gov, Defense Contractors | The American Conservative

[18] Please read those links for more detail: To what extent is Al-Qaeda a creation of the CIA? | War Elephant (; CIA AND MOSSAD CREATE “GHOST” AL QAEDA AND “MONSTER” OSAMA BIN LADEN AS “THE BEST MARKETING STUFFS” TO SELL “WAR ON TERROR” | GLOBAL MARCH FOR PEACE! (; Whose Monster? A Study in the Rise to Power of al Qaeda and the Taliban (

[19]This is a partisan network alliance of self-identified democratic countries initiated by US, to remove Chinese and Russian hardware and software from their network.

[20]Five Eyes is intelligence cooperation program between the anglophile countries i.e., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States which starts with ‘Echelon’ surveillance program. Earn notoriety in industrial espionages.

[21] European Union or simply EU, on

[22]Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA), between United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand.

[23] Rio Part, officially the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, is military alliance lead by United States to protect the western hemisphere from other regional powers.


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