Pages: 109-113
Date of Publication: 30-Sep-2024
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Preface & Contents: Volume 5 Issue 2 Aug-Sep 2024
Author: Dr R Srinivasan
Category: Contents & Author Bio
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review by a subject editor and a blind review by a qualified reviewer of all the submissions. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.
We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by Google Scholar and J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.
We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.
Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.
Keywords: EHSSS, Research, Open Access, Political Science, International Relations, Strategic Studies, Security Studies, Sociology, Regional Studies, Vol 5 Issue 2 Aug-Sep 2024
DOI: 10.47362/EJSSS.2024
Full Text:
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review by a subject editor and a blind review by a qualified reviewer of all the submissions. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.
We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by Google Scholar and J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.
We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.
Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.
About this Issue
The present Volume 5 Issue 2 Aug-Sep 2024 is our 17th publication. It hosts 14 research papers pertaining to Strategic Studies, Security Studies, International Relations, Maritime Studies, Political Science and Sociology.
We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions in India and Canada, Academicians, researcher scholars, and post graduate students.
Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy
EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards dissemination of knowledge and further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645). Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.
We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our
publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier unpublished content and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.
Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan
30 Sep 2024 Editor-in-Chief
1. China’s aggressive tactics: A comparative analysis of the South China Sea Conflict and the
Sino-India Border Dispute inEastern Ladakh 114-130
Tsultim Zangmo
2. China’s Geo-economic Hegemony in South Asia:An Analysis of Bangladesh’s 131-158
Rapid Engagement and Consequence
Shahadat Hossain
3. Khalistan Movement and Narco-Terrorism 159-173
Dr Shinder Purewal
4. Mental Health of Men amidst the Increasing Gender Bias in Laws: 174-186
A Sociological Study in the Indian Context
Shviti Tagore
5. Transformation of Iran's Foreign Policy Post-Ebrahim Raisi: Analysis of Nuclear Strategy, 187-209
International Relations, and Middle Eastern Geopolitics
Salmiati and Niraj Kumar Singh
6. Defining India: Exploring paradigm shifts in the ideas of India 210-220
Rohini Saini
7. A Deepening Strategic Partnership between India and Iran under the Modi Regime 221-233
Moupriya Biswas
8. Examining China’s Stances on the 2023-2024 Gaza Crisis in theUnited Nations Security Council 234-255
Chandam Thareima
9. The Soft Power Synergy: Ayurveda and Yoga in Contemporary Diplomacy 256-282
Bidisha Deka
10. Djibouti: A strategic choke point in the Bab el-Mandeb region 283-294
Adhithyan KP
11. Comparative analysis of the maritime ISR capabilities of India and China in the IOR 295-329
Yashodhan Mirwankar
12. Comparative Study of Sino-Indian Economic influence with Countries sharing Land-boundaries in 330-362
South Asia
Prayant Parved
13. Influence of Soft Power in shaping Diplomacy and Foreign Policy 363-389
Arsheeta Dutta Baruah
14. Examining the Electoral Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of National Party Performance in the 390-409
Past Three Indian General Elections
Ashmita Mitra
Author Short Bio
Tsultim Zangmo is an Assistant Professor in the University of Ladakh and a PhD Scholar in East Asian Studies at the University of Delhi.
Shahadat Hossain is research scholar in the department of International Relations, South Asian University, New Delhi. He also holds an MA in International Relations from the same institution.
Dr Shinder Purewal is a Professor at the Department of Political Science, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, Canada.
Shviti Tagore is a Sociologist and currently conducting independent research in the field of gender, sexuality and urban studies. She holds an MA in Sociology from Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi.
Salmiati holds an M.A in International Relations and Diaspora, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India. Niraj Kumar Singh is a Research Scholar, Faculty of Computer Applications, Marwadi University, Rajkot, India.
Rohini Saini is an Assistant Professor (Political Science) at Dogra Degree College, Bari-Brahman, Jammu and a PhD Scholar, KJS College, Kopargaon, Ahmednagar, Pune (SPPU, Pune University) India.
Moupriya Biswas is a State Aided College Teacher-1, Kanchrapara College, North 24 Prarganas, West Bengal, India.
Chandam Thareima is a PhD Scholar in Chinese Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Adhithya KP is pursuing his M. A. International relations and politics, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, India.
Yashodan Mirwankar holds an MSc in Defence and Strategic Studies from Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Prayant Parved holds an engineering degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.tech-EEE) and currently pursuing his Masters in International Relations at Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi.
Arsheeta Dutta Baruah is a student of BA Political Science (Hons) at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bannerghatta Campus, Bangalore.
Ashmita Mitra is a student of BA Political Science (Hons) at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bannerghatta Campus, Bangalore.