Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies
ISSN (Online):- 2582-9645
Afghanistan as a Land Bridge between Central Asia and South Asia for Economic Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities
Re-Contextualizing India in the Indo-Pacific: Decrypting the Evolution, Emerging Dynamics, and Navigating the Way Forward in a Post-Pandemic International System
Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel in Indian Ocean Region: An Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Resilience in South Asia and Horn of Africa
Against all Expectations: Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations after the American Withdrawal
Marginalizing the Matriarchal, Minority Subject: A Critical Analysis of Human Rights and Women’s Reform Projects in Colonial and Postcolonial India through the Case-Study of the ‘Mahari-Devadasi’
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Conference International Webinar on India, IOR and Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities jointly hosted by Pondicherry University and EJSSS on 24 Sep 2020. YouTube Link for the full recording of the webinar is: https://youtu.be/KNVqrz3IyG8 International Webinar Changing Dynamics of International Order & India's Foreign Policy Choices, Challenges and Options jointly hosted by EJSSS and BITS Pilani-Goa Campus in which Representative of MEA, India, former diplomats and eminet scholars from Geneva and Taiwan presented perspectives. YouTube link for the full webinar is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2XFSWdi-TU One day National Webinar on Emerging India from Maritime Perspective was held to commemorate National Maritime Day on 05 Aril 2021, in collaboration with UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University. Papers submitted are being brought out as a Special Issue. National E-Conference on Public Health - Policy, Law and Rights Perspective is being held on 10 April in collaboration with VIT-AP School of Law (VSL). International Webinar jointly with New Vision University, Tbilisi, Georgia and EJSSS on India-Mongolia Relations: Beyond Greater Central Asia scheduled on 19 July. Abstract for papers to be presented are invited by 30 June 2021. Mail to submission.ejss@gmail.com
International Webinar on India, IOR and Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities jointly hosted by Pondicherry University and EJSSS on 24 Sep 2020. YouTube Link for the full recording of the webinar is: https://youtu.be/KNVqrz3IyG8
International Webinar Changing Dynamics of International Order & India's Foreign Policy Choices, Challenges and Options jointly hosted by EJSSS and BITS Pilani-Goa Campus in which Representative of MEA, India, former diplomats and eminet scholars from Geneva and Taiwan presented perspectives. YouTube link for the full webinar is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2XFSWdi-TU
One day National Webinar on Emerging India from Maritime Perspective was held to commemorate National Maritime Day on 05 Aril 2021, in collaboration with UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University. Papers submitted are being brought out as a Special Issue.
National E-Conference on Public Health - Policy, Law and Rights Perspective is being held on 10 April in collaboration with VIT-AP School of Law (VSL).
International Webinar jointly with New Vision University, Tbilisi, Georgia and EJSSS on India-Mongolia Relations: Beyond Greater Central Asia scheduled on 19 July. Abstract for papers to be presented are invited by 30 June 2021. Mail to submission.ejss@gmail.com