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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 2 Special Issue IV</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>August 2021</Season>
      <ArticleType>International Relations</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Situating Tajikistan in India’s Central Asia Policy: A Strategic Dimension</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Pravesh K.</FirstName>
      <Abstract>India and Tajikistan share deep historical and cultural relations. Tajikistan was a part of the Kushana and Persian Empire, which had close cultural linkages with India. Throughout the Islamic rule in India, the Persian language and Sufism from Turkestan got assimilated into Indian society. It has become the foundation of cultural and linguistic cooperation in modern times. Tajikistan’s strategic location makes it significant for India’s Central Asia policy. It is regarded as India__ampersandsign#39;s ‘Gateway to Central Asia.’ The Wakhan Corridor, a narrow strip in Afghanistan divides India from Tajikistan. A major challenge in enhancing bilateral ties between the two countries has been the lack of direct connectivity. Tajikistan shares a direct border with Afghanistan and has always been vulnerable to the dissemination of terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking in its territory. Similarly, India faces a direct threat from radical forces being supported and propagated by Pakistan within its territory and in Afghanistan. Therefore, India-Tajikistan cooperation in the security and defence sector has been fundamental for their economic and political relations.&#13;
In 2015, PM Modi visited five Central Asian countries in one go, including Tajikistan, which is considered a landmark in enhancing India’s footprint in Central Asia. In October 2018, Indian President Sri Ramnath Kovind and a high-level delegation paid an official visit to Tajikistan and met with his Tajik counterpart; defence and security remained the key points of discussion between the two leaders. These high-level visits and discussions have strengthened the bilateral cooperation framework despite the absense of land connectivity. India is working towards bridging this gap of connectivity by investing in the development of Chabahar port in Iran and the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). India’s multi-billion humanitarian and developmental assistance to Afghanistan is also intended to stabilize the country, as without a stabilize Afghanistan; India’s aspirations of connecting with Central Asia could not be achieved. This paper would assess the significance of Tajikistan as an aspect of India’s extended neighbourhood policy. Also, the regional factors affecting their relations will be critically examined in this research paper.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>India,Tajikistan,Central Asia,Foreign Policy,Stability,Afghanistan,INSTC,Connectivity,Iran</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13220&amp;title=Situating Tajikistan in India’s Central Asia Policy: A Strategic Dimension</Abstract>
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