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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 2, Issue 2</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>Aug-Sep 2021</Season>
      <ArticleType>Contents &amp; Author Bio</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Preface, Editor__ampersandsign#39;s Note __ampersandsign Contents</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Preface __ampersandsign Editor’s Note &#13;
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies is one year old. We are delighted to note that in this first year we have passed some milestones that are noteworthy for a new research journal. To list them briefly:&#13;
	We are supposed to have three Issues and we are clocking our fourth with this Issue.&#13;
	We are delighted mention that our collaborative webinars with some of India’s best-known institutions enabled the publication of Special Issues containing papers presented in them. We have four such Special Issues online!&#13;
	64 Research papers and book reviews from some of the leading scholars in their fields as well as emerging student-scholars render the quality of our publications highly scientific.&#13;
	Our website reveals over 9000 downloads of our publications and we have over 330,000 visitors.&#13;
	We are a member journal of Crossref.&#13;
	We are happy to receive our ISSN online: 2582-9645. &#13;
In some ways, this Issue is also unique. We may actually say that it is a hybrid for it contains 07 regular contributions, 02 papers presented in a webinar we organized and 01 book reviews written by one of our interns! In keeping with our policy to promote young and emerging scholars, we are happy to include the book review of our intern, after having it reviewed by an Editor.&#13;
Editor’s Note&#13;
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) encourages young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works. Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.&#13;
Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy &#13;
EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to EJSSS. Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.&#13;
We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier-unpublished content, and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.&#13;
Coimbatore, India                                                                                                                                                 Dr R Srinivasan&#13;
20 Sep 2021                                                                                                                                                           Editor-in-Chief</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Contents,Author Bio,Editor's Note</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13290&amp;title=Preface, Editor__ampersandsign#39;s Note __ampersandsign Contents</Abstract>