<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd"> <ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>ejsss</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC STUDIES</JournalTitle> <PISSN/> <EISSN/> <Volume-Issue>Volume 4 Issue 2</Volume-Issue> <PartNumber/> <IssueTopic>Multidisciplinary</IssueTopic> <IssueLanguage>English</IssueLanguage> <Season>August-September 2023</Season> <SpecialIssue>N</SpecialIssue> <SupplementaryIssue>N</SupplementaryIssue> <IssueOA>Y</IssueOA> <PubDate> <Year>2023</Year> <Month>09</Month> <Day>30</Day> </PubDate> <ArticleType>Political Science</ArticleType> <ArticleTitle>A Study on the Historical Development of Hydro Diplomacy in South Asia</ArticleTitle> <SubTitle/> <ArticleLanguage>English</ArticleLanguage> <ArticleOA>Y</ArticleOA> <FirstPage>128</FirstPage> <LastPage>140</LastPage> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Ayushee</FirstName> <LastName>Choudhary</LastName> <AuthorLanguage>English</AuthorLanguage> <Affiliation/> <CorrespondingAuthor>N</CorrespondingAuthor> <ORCID/> </Author> </AuthorList> <DOI>10.47362/EJSSS.2023.4204</DOI> <Abstract>Abstract The South Asian region comprising countries namely India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives, holds a significant geo-political and economic position. These countries share a complex history of colonialism which led to a political demarcation of boundaries resulting in various problems in sharing common sources/water bodies in the region. This paper focuses on the historical development of hydro diplomacy in South Asia, with an emphasis on the Indus River Basin, Kabul River Basin __ampersandsign Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin in an attempt to scrutinize water politics in South Asia. A substantial number of bilateral agreements and treaties have been signed amid different countries of the region to ensure the maximum utilization of its vast river systems. However, challenges remain in managing water resources at a regional level effectively and addressing the needs of all stakeholders. Understanding the historical development of hydro diplomacy provides insights into the complexities faced in managing transboundary water resources in South Asia. This paper highlights the importance of cooperation, negotiation, and updated agreements to ensure sustainable and equitable use of water in the region in the backdrop of legal and customary International law on transboundary river water sharing.</Abstract> <AbstractLanguage>English</AbstractLanguage> <Keywords>Hydro Diplomacy,Water Cooperation,South Asia,Transboundary Rivers,International Law.</Keywords> <URLs> <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=14853&title=A Study on the Historical Development of Hydro Diplomacy in South Asia</Abstract> </URLs> <References> <ReferencesarticleTitle>References</ReferencesarticleTitle> <ReferencesfirstPage>16</ReferencesfirstPage> <ReferenceslastPage>19</ReferenceslastPage> <References>Adhikari, K. N. (2014). Conflict and cooperation on South Asian water resources. IPRI J, 14(2), 45-62. Aktar, F. (2021). Water Diplomacy and Water sharing problem between Bangladesh and India: a Quest for Solution. 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