<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd"> <ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>ejsss</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC STUDIES</JournalTitle> <PISSN/> <EISSN/> <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Special Issue V</Volume-Issue> <PartNumber/> <IssueTopic>Multidisciplinary</IssueTopic> <IssueLanguage>English</IssueLanguage> <Season>June 2024</Season> <SpecialIssue>N</SpecialIssue> <SupplementaryIssue>N</SupplementaryIssue> <IssueOA>Y</IssueOA> <PubDate> <Year>2024</Year> <Month>06</Month> <Day>30</Day> </PubDate> <ArticleType>Strategic Studies</ArticleType> <ArticleTitle>Analysing Mahabharata through the Lens of Theory of Just War</ArticleTitle> <SubTitle/> <ArticleLanguage>English</ArticleLanguage> <ArticleOA>Y</ArticleOA> <FirstPage>49</FirstPage> <LastPage>60</LastPage> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>BK</FirstName> <LastName>Bhuvesha</LastName> <AuthorLanguage>English</AuthorLanguage> <Affiliation/> <CorrespondingAuthor>N</CorrespondingAuthor> <ORCID/> </Author> </AuthorList> <DOI>10.47362/EJSSS.2024.5504</DOI> <Abstract>Of the world filled with the recorded history of western wars, Mahabharata is one of the prominent just war fought in the Indian history. It satisfies the principles of the theory of just war, namely, jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Jus ad bellum applies to the episodes of Mahabharata prior to the 18 days’ war- Kurukshetra. Notably, Kurukshetra known as the “dharma yuddha-the battle for just,” satisfies the principles of jus in bellus. However, the modern relevance of the theory is analysed with the case of Kosovo war. The intentions behind NATO’s intervention resembles the principles of jus ad bellum. While the element of jus in bello is witnessed amidst the Operation Allied Force. Apparently, this paper examines the above cases through the factor of just and not based on the stands of parties involved. It attempts to compare and assess the convergences Kurukshetra of Mahabharata and Kosovo war through the lens of principles of theory of just war.</Abstract> <AbstractLanguage>English</AbstractLanguage> <Keywords>Jus ad bellum, Jus in bello, Kurukshetra, Dharma, Pandavas, Kauravas, Kosovo war, NATO</Keywords> <URLs> <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=15246&title=Analysing Mahabharata through the Lens of Theory of Just War</Abstract> </URLs> <References> <ReferencesarticleTitle>References</ReferencesarticleTitle> <ReferencesfirstPage>16</ReferencesfirstPage> <ReferenceslastPage>19</ReferenceslastPage> <References>Besant, A. W. (1973). The Story of the Great War: some great lessons from the Mahabharata. Theosphical Publishing Society. Dunbar, S. D. (2011). Classical Hindu Views of Righteous War (Dharma Yuddha) in the light of Michael Walzerand;#39;s Just War Theory. Kosuta, M. (2020). Ethics of War and Ritual: The Bhagavad-Gita and Mahabharata as Test Cases. Journal of Military Ethics, 186-200. Langan, J. (1984). The Elements of St. Augustine’s Just War Theory. The Journal of Religious Ethics, 19-38. Lea-Henry, J. (2016). Staring Into The Abyss: Just War Theory In The Bhagavad Gita. Research Gate, p.36. Moller, B. (2000, November). CIAO: Kosovo and the Just War Tradition. Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. NATO. (1999, July 15). Retrieved from NATOand;#39;s role in relation to the conflict in Kosovo: https://www.nato.int/kosovo/history.htm Saha, K. K. (2020). Dependency among Kautilyaand;#39;s three major ideas: Upaya, Sadgunya and Prakrti. British Journal of Arts and Humanities, 24-35. Tundag, R. (2016). Chapter II Just War Theory of Augustine Hippo. Retrieved from Academia: https://www.academia.edu/25069334/Chapter_II_JUST_WAR_THEORY_OF_AUGUSTINE_OF_HIPPO United Nations Security Council Resolution 1160. (1998, March 31). Retrieved from The Avalon Project: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/un1160.asp</References> </References> </Journal> </Article> </ArticleSet>