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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Issue 2</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>August-September 2024</Season>
      <ArticleTitle>Mental Health of Men amidst the Increasing Gender Bias in Laws: A Sociological Study in the Indian Context</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>In recent years, the mental health of men in India has come under significant strain due to perceived gender biases in the legal system. This research paper explores the growing sentiment among men that they are inadequately protected by laws, leading to feelings of vulnerability and helplessness. A key area of concern is the increasing ease with which women can allegedly make false accusations of harassment and assault, often resulting in monetary compensation. This paper examines the impact of these accusations on men__ampersandsign#39;s mental health, highlighting the lack of legal recourse available to them. The introduction of the BNS Clauses has further cemented the notion that the legal framework in India lacks provisions to protect men. Current laws regarding rape and assault fall under the section __doublequotosingOf Offenses against Women and Children - Of Sexual Offenses,__doublequotosing raising critical questions about the legal protection available for men who face harassment or assault, or those falsely accused. This research argues that regardless of the gender ratio, laws should be neutral and provide equal protection for all individuals. Through a sociological lens, this paper scrutinizes whether the current gender-biased legal approach effectively addresses the issues it aims to solve, and what implications this has for societal equality. The study concludes with a call for a more balanced legal system that ensures justice and mental well-being for all genders, emphasizing the necessity of neutral laws to prevent further marginalization and psychological distress among men.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>mental health of men,gender- neutral laws,gender biased laws,protection of men,male assault,power,gender harassment</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=15382&amp;title=Mental Health of Men amidst the Increasing Gender Bias in Laws: A Sociological Study in the Indian Context</Abstract>
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