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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 1, Issue 1</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>Aug-Sep 2020</Season>
      <ArticleType>Security Studies</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Paradigm shift in Coastal Security in India</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Cmde RS Vasan IN</FirstName>
      <Abstract>With the ongoing border standoff with India, there is obvious and necessary focus on the land borders with China, our adversary in the North. The land borders with China suffer from lack of clear demarcation a mischievous ploy of China to keep a degree of ambivalence that it can use as a leverage at the moment of its choosing. India unfortunately despite some 22 border meetings has not been able to get even an idea of where the border lies according to China. So one is faced with the Chinese game plan in the Himalayas to redefine the border according to its long term strategic and economic interests. It may be remembered that it is the Kargil conflict in the heights with Pakistan that compelled the Government of India to appoint a Group of Ministers[i] who went in to all dimensions of border control both land and sea. While India has serious border issues with its neighbours, the maritime border disputes are limited to just Pakistan who shares the western land and sea borders. This paper aims to examine the challenges along the Indian coast line and in the off shore Islands of great economic and strategic importance to India a growing economy.&#13;
[i] See https://www.vifindia.org/sites/default/files/GoM%20Report%20on%20National%20Security.pdf</Abstract>
      <Keywords>India,Coastal Security,Strategy,Maritime Security,Terorism,LTTE,Mumbai Attack,anti-piracy,MDA,EEZ</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=8089&amp;title=Paradigm shift in Coastal Security in India</Abstract>
[i] See https://www.vifindia.org/sites/default/files/GoM%20Report%20on%20National%20Security.pdf&#13;
[ii] Cmde RS Vasan IN (Retd), Revisiting the attacks on USS Cole and MV Limburg, https://www.academia.edu/3196191/Revisiting_the_attacks_on_USS_Cole_and_MV_Limburg&#13;
[iii] Aashish Sharma (February 17, 2016) Sentinels on the Coast Saga of Operation Swan https://salute.co.in/sentinels-on-the-coast-saga-of-operation-swan/&#13;
[iv] Vice Admiral GM Hiranandani (Retd) (12 Apr , 2011), The Emerging Role of the Indian Navy in the New World Order – II, http://www.indiandefencereview.com/news/the-emerging-role-of-the-indian-navy-in-the-new-world-order-ii/&#13;
[v] Jayanthi Pawar (04 December, 2019), An ode to the guardian angel of the East Coast on the occasion of Navy Day, https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2019/dec/04/an-ode-to-the-guardian-angel-of-the-east-coast-on-the-occasion-of-navy-day-2071165.html&#13;
[vi] https://www.indiannavy.nic.in/content/ins-parundu&#13;
[vii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Sri_Lanka_Accord&#13;
[viii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Mumbai_attacks&#13;
[ix] Sumit Bhattacharjee (21 September, 2019), Not one boat in Coastal Security Police’s fleet of 18 is functional, https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/not-one-boat-in-coastal-security-polices-fleet-of-18-is-functional/article29472258.ece&#13;
[x] Vice Admiral AR Karve (29 November, 2018), Maritime security: a decade after 26/11, https://www.gatewayhouse.in/maritime-security-after-2611/&#13;
[xi] IN Press Release (23 November, 2014), Raksha Mantri Shri Manohar Parrikar Inaugurates IMAC, a Navy-CG Joint Operations Centre, https://www.indiannavy.nic.in/content/raksha-mantri-shri-manohar-parrikar-inaugurates-imac-navy-cg-joint-operations-centre&#13;
[xii] Rajat Pandit (12 July, 2018), India inks pacts to secure ships beyond its seas, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-inks-pacts-to-secure-ships-beyond-its-seas/articleshow/54830528.cms?utm_source=contentofinterestand;utm_medium=textand;utm_campaign=cppst&#13;
[xiii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Seaman_Guard_Ohio&#13;
[xiv] Cmde RS Vasan IN (Retd) (03 February, 2016), Kudos to the Indian Coast Guard on its 40th Raising day, https://www.c3sindia.org/environment-health/kudos-to-the-indian-coast-guard-on-its-40th-raising-day-by-commodore-rs-vasan-inretd/&#13;
[xv] Oscar Nkala (20 March, 2015), India Developing Network of Coastal Radars, https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2015/03/20/india-developing-network-of-coastal-radars/&#13;
[xvi] Rajat Pandit (12 July, 2018), India inks pacts to secure ships beyond its seas, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-inks-pacts-to-secure-ships-beyond-its-seas/articleshow/54830528.cms?utm_source=contentofinterestand;utm_medium=textand;utm_campaign=cppst</References>