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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 1, Issue 2</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>Dec 2020 - Jan 2021</Season>
      <ArticleType>Strategic Studies</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>South China Sea: Perspectives, Challenges and India’s Options</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Cmde SL</FirstName>
          <FirstName>NM (Retd)</FirstName>
      <Abstract>“Siddhirbhavati Karmaja” (Sasnkrit Quote) the Sanskrit quote meaning “Success is born of action” reflects well on trade prowess of a nation. An undisputable importance of the Seas would be seen from the fact that 90% of the world trade transits through the Sea lanes of communications (SLOCs). As sea trade has indelible impact on national economies, a global race to claim and control various parts of oceans/seas has become fiercer over the years. Further, in view of the current geo-political scenario, requirement for adherence to the existing international laws- related to seas, economic zones, Sea Lanes of Communication has assumed greater importance. .&#13;
Accordingly, the South China Sea would always remain India’s business, in view of its national security and economic well-being. It is important to note that the South China Sea is not China’s sea, but a global common. It has been an important sea-lane of communication since the very beginning, and passage has been unimpeded over the centuries, Indian Traders have sailed these waters for well over 1,500 years — there is ample historical and archaeological evidence of a continuous Indian trading presence. Thus the linkage to ancient Indian Trade Routes, and the historical rights for Free Passage. This sea would also remain strategically important for India, as nearly $200 billion of Indian trade passes through the South China Sea and because of its socio- economic linkages with ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea.&#13;
Keeping in mind the strategic implications, this article attempts to analyse issues revolving around South China Sea situation as relevant to India and explore options best for India’s strategic interests.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Sea Trade,Maritime Boundaries,India,South China Sea,SLOC,Maritime Power,economy,national security,China,global common,ASEAN</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=8897&amp;title=South China Sea: Perspectives, Challenges and India’s Options</Abstract>
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